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Who Cares If Instructors Are Trained?

I hope that you care, but why?

Aquamotion Ability Foundation determined years ago that having trained and certified instructors makes for the best instructors and keeps you safe. We challenge you and push you, but we also give you alternatives for many of the moves that might not feel right for you. If we aren’t trained, then we can’t advise you properly.

The most important training company is Aquatic Exercise Association(AEA) which was founded in 1984. They are the premier training company for water exercise with a therapy component. They also recently took over the Arthritis Foundation’s water program. Linda received her water aerobics certification in the 90’s after teaching land based since 1981. She has 14 certifications in all kinds of modalities, but can guarantee that the AEA certification was the most thorough (and hardest) by far. Understanding the properties of water is essential in being a good instructor.

Most of our instructors also have secondary certifications in areas that interest them. Carlene has a MS and water therapy certification. Shannon has swimming, synchro and coaching. Rebecca has AEA but she also has a deep understanding of the mental aspect of exercise and bringing out the love of body to her teaching style. Linda has numerous certifications that help make sure we are offering a balanced program for our clients.

Then there is the life saving aspect to our program. All our instructors and lifeguards are certified to save your life. This is a city requirement, but many facilities that we teach at don’t require this, which is crazy! Dealing with seniors and water, where many aren’t confident, is a potential minefield of life and death risks. We want you to know that we are ready for almost any emergency that could arise at our pools.

Finally, all our instructors must teach with Linda for 2 months before they begin their own classes. This insures that they are all uniform in quality, although personality and style may be very different.

Besides safety, our goal is to have a fun, interesting and entertaining program that keeps you healthy, happy and motivated. Rain or shine, we are here for you and know that you have THE best team taking care of you.

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