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Getting through the day...


One week down and who knows how many more to go. I think I’m going through all the stages of grief and it was really bringing me down. Yesterday, I got really frustrated, feeling like all the stuff I’m doing is so unimportant, has no purpose and is unfulfilling. Of course, I’m sure we are all feeling this way so we can bond together in misery, but that’s really not the best way to get out of this slump. What got me up was exercise. I got my butt up and rode my indoor bike and felt so much better. It wasn’t a long ride or a hard ride, but it was just enough to get my mood into a new status. Today, I decided to get right out of bed to walk the dogs, I rode my indoor bike again and then I gardened.  This set my day up for a positive, instead of a “poor me’ attitude and now I feel so much better.  Not watching or reading any news definitely helped as well. I just want you to know that we are going to get through this and that if you need a kick in the buns, then I’m here to help you. You can call, text or message anytime-951-515-5597, or Linda Harding Hicks on Facebook. We are also doing Facebook live video events every: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:00 am. These exercises can be done from your chair, standing or you can add hopping too. I’ll try to keep them around 20-30 minutes and you are welcome to create watch parties for your followers.  I would love you to share these with your friends who are in need of a gentler workout. Go to your Facebook page and when I go live you can click on the start button next to the "start your own watch party" directly below the video. This will allow the live video to be posted to your Facebook page so yourr friends can also watch at the same time.  Message Carlene if you need help, since most of this is over my head. Linda Hicks 951-515-5597

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1 comentario

pat t
pat t
21 mar 2020

Can't you ride your bike outside? No different than taking a walk, though much faster.

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